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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2019

What experts say about software development in 2020?

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Why apps and websites are so hard to succeed? Ex-Google Tech-Lead's explanation about the future of apps and websites development and how to beat your competitors.

Understanding JavaScript

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This is for JavaScript Developers. An ultimate guide about how to master JavaScript Learn more about Software Outsource service of Co-Well Asia:  https://softwareoutsources.blogspot.com/

What makes a good software developer?

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To be honest, I myself is not a software developer, but I've been working with a lot of those. And I know one thing that is it's hard to find good developers for any programming language. And there are differences between software developers and software programmers . I think a good software developer should cover below pointers: Develop readable code.  The code that you write must be the living document of what it does. Think that, you will be the person who will be maintaining it in production environment for the next 10 years. Your experience must be N years and not N times years . Let me explain this more. Let’s say you are 5 years experienced, you must be 5 years experienced in the field. Not, 5 times one year experienced. When you get comfortable with what you are doing, you tend to do same thing and stay there. This leads to your same experience getting multiplied over time and not actually grow. This is the biggest problem among most developers. DO NOT reinv...

How to make your first iOS app

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In this iOS tutorial, you'll learn how to get set up for iOS app development , how to use the tools required and how to write/read Swift code so that you can build your own app! By the end of this iOS development tutorial, you'll have built your first fully functional app! Or you can find out how to make an Android app here

How to make an Android App for beginner?

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If you are a beginner, watch this video to figure out how to make an Android App. Don't forget to subscribe to our blog Watch more video like this:  https://softwareoutsources.blogspot.com/ Co-Well Asia App Development:  https://co-well.vn/en/services/web-app-development/

Do you know about Web app creator?

What is an web creator ? A website application developer / creator is the core in every aspects of the internet, sitting hours in front of their monitor to try and turn their best effort into digital products to provide us multiple kinds of services, or just simply to connect people to each other. A more simpler description would be that they are the people who create, design and maintain websites on the internet, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that web developers aren’t worth that much, because they are one of the most important groups of professionals in the field. The internet is possibly the fastest growing markets and it has embedded itself into every aspect of our day-to-day life. Moreover, the internet represents almost 700$ billion in economic value, and it show absolutely no sign of slowing down. Because of those, the job of a web developer is not only valuable but also vital to our personal lives and the world economy landscape. Becoming a web app creator require...

Making an app for beginners: Step-by-step guide

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Discover how to make an app in a few steps Types of applications developer You might write applications, or apps, for either: a particular system, such as Windows or Android across numerous platforms, including computers and mobile devices. These may be in the form of generic products, or bespoke solutions for individual clients.

Software development in 6 stages

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It’s pretty evident that technology is accelerating at a rapid pace and humans are becoming further dependent on it for every purpose. And with every new day, software development is becoming more and more crucial since the demand for software is fast rising from every corner imaginable. In fact, almost every machine that we use can be a by-product of some software empowering it. And going by the recent trends in the market, software development in India is quite a bustling scene, what with India providing a huge chunk of software intelligence that’s required to make this process successful. The process of software development services goes through a series of stages in step wise fashion that almost every developing company follows. Known as the ‘software development life cycle,’ these six steps include planning, analysis, design, development & implementation, testing & deployment and maintenance. If you are a wanna-be software developer , let’s study each of these steps to k...
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In this video I explain what activities I regularly engage in as a software developer.

All thing about App Development

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In the modern world, creating a working application isn’t as hard as people think, but application development is a quite sophisticated process that involves a lot of thinking and pre-planning. It could be as easy as creating a project with the IDE, writing and putting a bunch of codes together to make it work, debugging and checking for critical errors, and then submitting it to an App Store. Or it could be as hard as back-end logic programming, interface design,  QA testing, deployment and maintenance. Whichever you choose, you will have to go through many phases and deal with all kinds of objectives and problems along the way. 1. Research Every application comes from an idea, so make sure you can refine that idea into a real foundation for your application. Always focus on your target users, and consider what their motivations, their characteristics  and their goals are, and why they should use your application. After the process, you should know and understand how the c...

What exactly does a software developer do ?

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Software developers are the creative geniuses behind your everyday smartphone apps, video games and useful computer programs. They are the creator / designer of a specific program or application on different types of electronic devices, or an operating system that control devices, networks or even other programs. They use various programming languages - depend on the nature and complexity of the project requirements - that involve a great deal of knowledge in mathematics and computer science to complete their softwares. Because the software development field of work is constantly evolving, they must always be learning and adapting to the new technology advancements.         Software developers are responsible for the entire development process of a software program. The process is usually carried out by a team of software developers, with each member performing a particular step of the process and a manager supervising the entire project.  Software develope...

What exactly is Software development?

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This video provides a high level overview of Software Development. Excellent Video and many thanks for this Value Added a video as it is very useful to be successful in the software you must be an early use of our Co-Well Asia. Best IT managed Service Provider and Software Development Company

Welcome to our Blog

Welcome to the first e-commerce blog post! We will be posting weekly. Our goal is to provide information about current research that might be of interest to people who are store owners, merchants, businessman or just interested in software outsource. As we continue to build our blog, we’ll also create some specific contents so you can learn more about the latest news, research and tips about your online business, or providing some e-commerce solutions and software development for your business We are hoping that many of you will want to be guest bloggers. If you are interested in writing a three to five paragraph blog post on one of the topics above, please send me an email at eddienguyencowell@gmail.com and we can discuss your ideas and get you in queue. We look forward to growing with you as we embark on this new journey. Thanks for stopping by!